Sunday, July 1, 2012 I was reminded of the blessing of life and how quick it can be taken away. My best friend is pregnant, and another close friend was diagnosed with cancer. I want to be healthy for wahatever time I have left. Whether its enough time to live out all my dreams or just enough to get started. I want to live the best way possible. I don't want to be held back from anything because of my physical abilities. So, there you have it...more motivation to keep chugging along. Good thing too...because with the gym closed over the weekend and with the bike injuries, I haven't don't any weight training for two days. I have done the cardio, so it's not like I've just been sitting on my ass. And I guess it's good that I've actually missed the lifting part. I like feeling stronger. This morning mom and I took the same trail dad and I have been biking and it felt easy. I love progress!!! I also started reading Mama Laughlin blog. She started out at the same weight I am after her first kid was born and lost 60 pounds!!! It's so great to hear that with a whole lot of discipline and desire to do it, what I'm aiming for CAN actually happen! So, there you have it. I will start taking pics as well. I didn't get a starting pic, but i haven't gotten very far in the past week so it will have to do. So, here we go.... WEEK TWO!!!

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