Friday, June 29, 2012

So yesterday, being Thursday, was my first day off from working out.  I'm giving voice/piano/guitar lessons at school on Thursdays, and have very little time to squeeze in a workout.  However, I was sweating all day without AC, so does that count?  The diet was interesting yesterday and it made me think: What is worse, not eating, or eating something bad for you?  Let me explain - before I left home in the morning I packed all the fixings for a complete day of meals.  I put it in an "insulated" lunch bag, with a blue ice.  It was so flipping hot in the classroom even, that the blue ice melted within an hour and ruined everything before lunch time.  So...I had a handful of grape tomatoes for lunch, and only had a bowl of cornflakes with raisins for dinner.  But at least I didn't get desperate and run to Casey's to get a crispy chicken fritter sandwich.  Cuz let me tell you, that sounded REALLY good!  Anyway, so that was yesterday, just wanted to update before I moved on to today.

I have been looking for places near but not in the school district I teach in, which is a relatively small area, and a very tight rental market.  Hardly anything is advertised because word of mouth renting is so strong around there.  But, I've gotten lucky over the past week and a half and have actually been seeing some places in the local newspapers.  Yesterday I looked at a duplex that is just barely out in the country.  It is a great place, but I'm thinking the others who looked at it are probably going to snake it from me, and they got there first.  So, that sucks.  But, at least I know things are opening.  The pets are posing somewhat of a problem it turns out.  Not all renters want about that.  Oh well.  I'll find somewhere.

Back to today:
So this is just the morning, but I wanted to share something before too much time had passed and the details started to blur.  So, like I said before, Dad and I are biking and walking in the mornings.  This morning was a biking morning.  We got up nice and early to get out by 7 since it was supposed to be another scorcher of a day.  But, when we got outside we also saw that there was a little storm a brewing.  So we hit it right away, neither one of us afraid of a little rain.  It was a great ride.  There's a halfway point where we stop and get some water and a little rest before turning back.  As soon as we stopped there, the furthest point from home, the rain started.  It was just sprinkling, but it began.  I also noticed at that point that I wasn't NEARLY as exhausted as I had been the previous rides.  I already feel progress.  Anyway, we turned around and rode home.  By the time we were about 3 blocks from home the heavy rain started.  I could not stop smiling.  First of all, I noticed even the sprinkles were rejuvenating enough that my energy was at peak.  Secondly, there are few things that make me feel more alive than a cold rain on a hot day/week.  It was just so refreshing, and just feel like positive energy falling from the sky.  Hard to explain, but these are the moments that I feel close to God.  Anyway, enough of the preaching, because that smiling was soon at an end.  As I pulled into the driveway, I hit a bump and my foot and hand slipped off simultaneously and down I went - my first crash on my new bike.  Good thing I'm taking it in for it's 30-day "check-up" on Monday.  So, yeah, I'm covered in 7 bruises, scrapes on one knee, my stomach, both elbows and both palms.  Not to mention I braced for the fall so got a bit of whip lash too.  I don't feel so hot, but even that's not going to stop me.  Dad made a good point about the I can go to the gym later and work out a little harder since I'm going to be sore anyway.  Haha.  We'll see.  So, there's the morning.  Hopefully there won't be anything big to report by the end of the day, but there will be an update anyway, because this is the first day off the 4-day Anti-Bloat part of the diet, AND I'll be left to my own devices for dinner.  Ahhh!  I can do it!

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