Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alright ya'll...I'm connected to the world again.  Wow...what a busy week.  I moved about a week and a half ago and have been settling into my new digs.  LOVE being in my own house.  I don't have to worry if my music is too loud while I'm doing dishes, or whether my vacuuming at 10:00 at night is annoying the downstairs neighbors.  Soooo nice.  Yesterday I brought the pets home too.  I think my mom misses them, and my dad probably does a little too, even if he won't admit it.  The animals are still settling in, investigating the house.  But all is well....minus the diet and exercise.  Wow...I was worried for a reason.  Left to my own devices I have NOT been eating well, and this morning was the first exercise I've had, and it was a little ten minute walk with the dog.  At least it's something?  I haven't weighed myself.  Next month (after another paycheck) I'll look into getting a membership at a 24 hour gym here.  But, for now, I think I'm going to start the 30-day Shred by Jillian Michaels.  Mama Laughlin, a blog I read all the time, does it every once in a while to help jumpstart some weightloss.  So, I think I'll give it a whirl while I don't have a gym.

My plan: get back into tracking calories on MyFitnessPal, walk the dog every morning for a little warm-up, do the Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred.  So...from here on out, I'll update you on my progress on those things.

Oh yeah, and teacher meetings start Friday, kids come Wednesday.  Wow.  Where has the summer gone?!  Right, I traveled, painted and lost 12 pounds.  Sweet.  Ok, here we go.

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