Saturday, July 11, 2015

Happiness Is...

...the end of another school year!
...graduation and grad parties!
...watching my baby brother get married!
...being a bridesmaid in that wedding!
...a house full of family and friends!
...a new water heater! organized garage!
...a dad who can do everything!
...being able to do things myself!
...a sleepover with the nephew!
...judging the talent show!
...going back to CVG after 7 years!
...discovering an old crush is single!
...realizing we both still have feelings!
...deciding to give a relationship a shot!
...being able to say "my boyfriend" for the first time in 4 years!
...being home after a long week! darkening drapes!
...going through old photos!
...watching old videos of camp!
...sleeping in my own bed!

These are just a few things that have been going on since May. :) I feel so fortunate to have a wonderful family, great friends, and to feel love all around me. Happiness abounds!

New Beginnings

I'm a single woman, living on a teacher's salary, trying to find the healthy lifestyle that will finally click for me, and I just bought a house. I'm also extremely determined to be able to take care of my own house, just to prove that I can do this on my own!  I'm the grown up version of the little girl who crawled up on the counter at 3 years old to make myself breakfast because I wanted to be independent. Well...I've really done it now! Before I moved I fixed my own dryer - took it apart, replaced a couple parts, put it back together. On closing day I replaced my own doorknobs. Tomorrow I'm putting on new house numbers. Yesterday I came home early from grad parties so I could mow the lawn because I saw it was going to rain for the next few days and I wanted to keep up with the neighbors! I realize those are all pretty simple maintenance type items, but you have to start somewhere! I look around at my new house, a place that is MINE, and I can't wait to really make it mine. This house is in freaky good shape, but there isn't a single surface that doesn't need updating. I have lists started and I'm constantly daydreaming about what this place will look like in the end. I will be using this blog not only to talk about my healthy lifestyle changes, but also to show some home improvements and share with others what I learn along the way. If I can do this, anyone can!
This is my house. Isn't she adorable?!?! I'm actually kind of in love with the minty-limey green. The black accents will eventually go, but that's not at the top of my list. :)