Saturday, July 11, 2015

Happiness Is...

...the end of another school year!
...graduation and grad parties!
...watching my baby brother get married!
...being a bridesmaid in that wedding!
...a house full of family and friends!
...a new water heater! organized garage!
...a dad who can do everything!
...being able to do things myself!
...a sleepover with the nephew!
...judging the talent show!
...going back to CVG after 7 years!
...discovering an old crush is single!
...realizing we both still have feelings!
...deciding to give a relationship a shot!
...being able to say "my boyfriend" for the first time in 4 years!
...being home after a long week! darkening drapes!
...going through old photos!
...watching old videos of camp!
...sleeping in my own bed!

These are just a few things that have been going on since May. :) I feel so fortunate to have a wonderful family, great friends, and to feel love all around me. Happiness abounds!

New Beginnings

I'm a single woman, living on a teacher's salary, trying to find the healthy lifestyle that will finally click for me, and I just bought a house. I'm also extremely determined to be able to take care of my own house, just to prove that I can do this on my own!  I'm the grown up version of the little girl who crawled up on the counter at 3 years old to make myself breakfast because I wanted to be independent. Well...I've really done it now! Before I moved I fixed my own dryer - took it apart, replaced a couple parts, put it back together. On closing day I replaced my own doorknobs. Tomorrow I'm putting on new house numbers. Yesterday I came home early from grad parties so I could mow the lawn because I saw it was going to rain for the next few days and I wanted to keep up with the neighbors! I realize those are all pretty simple maintenance type items, but you have to start somewhere! I look around at my new house, a place that is MINE, and I can't wait to really make it mine. This house is in freaky good shape, but there isn't a single surface that doesn't need updating. I have lists started and I'm constantly daydreaming about what this place will look like in the end. I will be using this blog not only to talk about my healthy lifestyle changes, but also to show some home improvements and share with others what I learn along the way. If I can do this, anyone can!
This is my house. Isn't she adorable?!?! I'm actually kind of in love with the minty-limey green. The black accents will eventually go, but that's not at the top of my list. :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

It's been hard to keep up with posting, but I assure you I've been doing the workouts!

Here's where I left off...

Saturday (STATurday):
Weight: 190  My weight went up a little over the illness, but I wasn't worried about it.
All other measurements were the same
I got my grocery shopping done, and enjoyed the weekend as I rested and saw some family.

It was Stretch day, which I didn't do, but I did stick to my calories very well.

Monday: Focus T25 Alpha - Week 2
workout: Cardio
It was easier today, and I was able to breathe better which always helps.
calories: on track

workout: Total Body Circuit
This killed me! This was one I didn't do in my sick week, so it hurt!
calories: on track, but hungry!!!  I had a hard time today with just feeling hungry and deprived

workout: Speed 1.0
This is getting easier, and I felt good about my ability - had to do it alone, but I did it!
calories: today I learned the importance of balancing calories and cravings - I REALLY wanted chinese, so I built my whole day around it!  Woo hoo!  I also started feeling really good about snacking on raw fruits and veggies.

workout: Cardio
Getting easier, and I'm able to do more of the moves without modifying.  I am amazed at how much stronger I feel already.
calories: still on track - but I learned a little something about BMR from the Mama Laughlin Fit Camp group I subscribe to on facebook.  Turns out - I've been eating too few calories for my body and level of activity, that's why I feel so hungry.  Duh!  So, I have to adjust my thinking.  Of course, there are good calories and bad, so I just have to make sure to eat MORE of the things that are good for me, like protein, fiber, good fats (nuts), and some solid dairy.  I have been only drinking water and coffee, with the occasional post-workout chocolate milk or juice.  I'm feeling good about my choices, and I think I can actually see a difference in my face shape!

Friday (Today):
workout: Lower Focus & Ab Intervals
Ok, so I was able to rock lower focus with very minimal modification.  Abs on the other hand...well...that's a different story.  Wow, my core is WEAK!  I wasn't able to make it through the video, but I did what I could so I can get a little stronger.  I am going to try to do that video again tomorrow, maybe I was just spent after the first one.
calories: Today, I had Village Inn - No, it was not a great choice.  Yes, it was delicious!  I was actually really hungry for eggs, and I wanted them from a restaurant.  Should I have only had the eggs and some canadian bacon, and maybe some whole wheat toast?  Ok, you've got me there.  But dammit, I wanted the frickin biscuits and gravy!!!  Luckily, it was "brunch" and I had only had some fruit for breakfast, so it didn't kill me on calories for the day.  I'm having a light dinner.  :)

I also bought a new watch that tracks heart rate and calories.  I hope it's accurate, because I'm going to use those readings!  I think on average, I'm burning almost 300 calories during these workouts.  Mostly because I'm so out of shape, but hey, it works for now!

Tomorrow: STATS!
Oh, and I'll be at solo/small group music contest all day, so I'm going to wear my pedometer and track how much I'm walking for the day.  That should be fun!

Friday, March 21, 2014

No, I didn't disappear.  But I did end up with a whopper of a sinus/respiratory/flu-like thing that knocked me out for a few days.  Unfortunately, I legitimately couldn't breathe well enough to do the workouts.  Monday was bad enough!  However, I did it, and here's my update.

Monday measurements as follows:
weight: 188.2
chest: 45 (yes, I have giant knockers)
waist: 37
arms: 13
thighs: 24.5

Monday's workout:
Focus T25 Alpha: Cardio
I had to modify nearly all moves, mostly because of my breathing, not to mention my current level of un-fitness.

Tuesday's workout:
Nada - wait, does coughing myself into a fit and pulling all my neck, back and ab muscles count?
(On this day I went to the doctor - there was crap in my lungs, so I got a Z-pack, steroids and an inhaler...ok I was in fact a little sick)

Wednesday's workout:
see Tuesday
Wednesday's calories:
today I also started tracking on MFP again...even with my splurge on girl scout comfort cookies, I managed to stay under my 1,200 allowance.

Thursday's workout:
see Tuesday
Thursday's calories:
I went over....end of story.  Today I found out the fast and easy gas station meal I had been enjoying at least once a week all year is over 1,000 calories.  Um, yeah.  Dammit.

Friday's workout:
Focus T25 Alpha: DOUBLE DAY! --- Lower Focus & Cardio
Ok, so, I knew from the start there was no way I was going to make it through both videos with my health not yet back to normal.  However, I wanted to jump back in without waiting to be back to 100%, because there are always reason to postpone.  Also, with the wonderful encouragement of my T25 buddy, I was convinced to at least keep moving through the second video and make my own modifications just to keep going.
Friday's calories:
Today I'm in the clear and back on track....I still have a whopping 720 calories left for the day!  I should be able to come in under that!

Tonight's task, besides continuing to nurse my lungs back to health, is to make my healthy shopping list for the next week.  I'm a habitual snacker, and I know it.  So, why not trash all the trash, and stock up on some snacky things that are actually healthy and won't kill my calories - clementines, apples, carrots, cauliflower, even some low-cal dipping sauce!  I will not starve myself.  I will plan my calorie splurges and enjoy them.  That is the only thing that will keep this girl motivated!

Tomorrow I'll be grocery shopping, making up one of the videos I missed earlier in the week, taking stats, and staying on track.  See you back here!

Monday, March 17, 2014

A year and some change later….
I'm in a new job, I'm still overweight, and now I'm officially 30.  I said last year I didn't want to enter my 30s in that state of unfit.  However, I did, and there's nothing I can do now but move forward.  So, 30 is the year when I get my shit together!

In my new job, there are several teachers in a couple different groups, that get together to work out and generally be active.  I have not been asked to participate with these groups.  The reason is obvious…I would only slow them down.  Nonetheless, it makes me a little sad that I'm missing out on spending time with friends because of my fitness level.  There's motivation #1.  Motivation #2 is my NYC trip this summer…it's right at the beginning of June, so I've only got about 12 weeks to get it together.  I obviously won't hit my goal by then, but I can absolutely be 30 lbs down by then, and that's my goal.

Today, a co-worker and I are starting Focus T-25 - a 10-week work out series.  If I really work hard to cut calories, eat lots of fiber and protein, and do this fitness program, I can absolutely get down 30 lbs.

So here it is…on a day like today, feeling like hell as I do, I would normally talk myself out of working out because I'm sick.  But today starts a new chapter of "no excuse" health and fitness.

Day 1: Today, at the beginning, I weighed in at 188.2.  Definitely not my heaviest, but definitely too heavy.  I have the measurements of chest, waist, arms and legs too, but they're at home, so I'll have to post those later…besides, I'll have to update on how the first workout goes.  It starts with the cardio disc, and I've heard it's really hard.  Well, here goes nothing!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 has begun, and in 24 days I will enter into the final year of my 20s. If you remember back to the beginning, I started this because I didn't want to enter my 30s at anything less than my most healthy and physically fit. So, here we go. Starting tomorrow, my first day back from break, my fitness clothes will stay at school. I will be using the school's weight room and treadmill as well as my own classroom's projector for some videos to change things up, and when its not frickin freezin my sog might actually get to go on a walk! Simply put, 7 days a week, I will spend no less than 30 minutes being physically active. This is just a start, but a big one. I am queen of excuses, and this is a no-excuse pledge (learned by my previous professor and now colleague, Rhonda Fuelberth). Even if im sick, (unless I'm actually bedridden), or think I'm too busy between school, speech, honor choirs and the two nights a week I spend singing in my own choirs, I will be active. So, here I go. I'm not calling it a resolution, because those fail. I'm not calling it a diet, because so do those. I'm calling it a much needed alteration to my current lifestyle. As it begins I will only focus on exercise. But I know for maximum weighloss and health benefits my eating must also change, so look forward to that. But first, I must make it through 20 consecutive days of consistent, no-excuse activity. Then it's a habit and I can move to the next step. I will also aim for weekly weigh-ins and regular blog entries...hopefully! :) You ready for this ride? I am. And it starts now, with a walking video and some basic floor exercises and stretches.

1/1/13 4:33pm
Bust: 46" (those of you that know me know that this is not likely to go down much-I'm a busty lady!)
Waist: 38"
Muffin Top: 42"
Butt: 43"
Thigh: 25"
Weight: 190
1st GOAL: 170
Final GOAL: 135

LET'S GO!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

When I started this blog, it was because I realized I was within sight of my 30s, and I did not want to begin my 30s feeling any less than great about my health and fitness.  Well y'all, I'm officially 14 months and 11 days from 30.  Time to get rolling!  I'm well aware that the amount of weight I want and need to lose for good will not happen overnight, through commercial diets or by wishing it.  So, here's my progress and my plans.

I am hovering around the 16-18 pounds down mark, and have been for about a week.  The beginning of this year has been stressful, and I admit I have not been very healthy.  Most of my weight-loss was accomplished by not eating much.  Sure, it was nice to see the pounds come off, but my mom suggested I start putting a plan in place for when I'm no longer so stressed out.  I thought she might be right, and since I wanted to enjoy that weight-loss and use it as fuel to my fire, I'm back in the swing.  I have been eating an apple every morning...mostly to make sure I'm eating something right away, and I specifically chose apples because they are great for boosting your metabolism.  So, there's that.  Aaand, I've been careful to make sure I'm eating plenty of vegetables.  My favorite snack has now become carrots and dip (a low fat variety), which I don't let myself have all the time because I don't want to get sick of it.  So I've been munching on unsalted nuts as well.  So far so good, the scale has not gone up and ALL my pants are officially loose - even if I'm not into my "skinny jeans" yet.  So, folks, we have lift off.  Furthermore, I am bound and determined to start exercising again.  I have decided to bring a few videos to school, along with my workout clothes, so as soon as my contract hours are up and kids are gone I can use my projector to work out in my room.  This is mostly so I don't have any excuses when I get home and realize I'm too tired/lazy.

There you have it.  I'm on the right track, and beginning to see enough progress to really light a much needed fire under my ass.  I can't promise daily updates anymore, but hopefully weekly weigh-ins can be accomplished.  I haven't figured out which video I'm going to do, but I'm thinking about starting the 30-Day Shred.  Just to see what can happen in 30 days.  May as well...Christmas pictures could actually be fun this year.  :)